Information is a fabulous weapon and NORTHRIDGE as the means to deliver it.
NORTHRIDGE CORPORATION evolved as a highly-skilled business management consulting firm that offers comprehensive services for improving end-to-end business performance. The secret to our success is reliable information. We possess best in class algorithms that allow your team to outthink the competition, capable of dissecting, and to execute business strategies, be faster and more reliable than conventional thinkers. Businesses of all sizes cannot build successful strategies unless it has a competitive advantage.
Here’s who we are, and how and why NORTHRIDGE has the
skills to provide reliable information.
For twenty-six years, Northridge Corporation with its affiliates and principals has been the primary authority on the emerging cannabis industry.
Our research platforms have been replicated as a successful tool for interdisciplinary projects and position papers by academics and research groups of various disciplines and faculties.
The underlying goal was to develop and maintain a proprietary database for our personal use. In the beginning, the cannabis industry in the U.S. and worldwide had been a black-market endeavor. Today, it is a billion-dollar legal force, disrupting everything from the pharmaceutical and wellness industries to the beauty products market and leisure industry.
Along the way, our foundation research and algorithms successfully predicted each turn, and in the process saved billions of dollars when the advice was followed.
From a historical perspective, our conclusions were predicted before the fact or specifically referenced by others: (1) California became the first state in the U.S. to legalize medical marijuana, a radical idea at the time (1996) that received pushback from the federal government. As shifting perception continued, the industry benefited as politicians, the medical community, and the public have become more favorable towards marijuana. With this increase in support for cannabis, medical marijuana has grown in our country. (2) 10 years ago, there were just 13 states in the U.S. with full medical marijuana programs. That number has now jumped to 33 states as support of medical marijuana has grown to an incredible 94 percent of adults polled. We successfully predicted each state’s admission to the marijuana club within six months of the effective date. (3) In 2012, Colorado and Washington became the first two states in the country to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. There is now a total of 13 states, along with Washington, D.C., that have legalized recreational marijuana. (4) Legalization has come with some unexpected benefits for communities that embraced it, which our Northridge algorithm expressly referenced. (5) Marijuana dispensaries have been shown to increase a neighborhood’s property value, and unlike opponents to legalization warned, teen use of marijuana has not gone up. (6) Teen use is at its lowest levels in 22 years. (7) Cannabis tax revenue has been used to improve roads, create college scholarships, house, and feed the homeless, and more. (8) With the legalization of a domestic hemp industry in the U.S. under the 2018 Farm Bill, the hemp industry in the U.S. became a commercial factor. (9) Investing in the Canadian adult marijuana market was an investment trap (2018,2019) with billions of dollars in projected losses. Look for marijuana public companies to record substantial losses reducing public shareholders' values by 85% plus. (9) Presented position papers and open discussion with government officials in 2018 and 2019, advocated lack of clarity which exposes hemp farms to potential losses of millions of dollars because state hemp regulations never considered limited infrastructure to process the crop. We advocated our opinion on all inquiries (2018,2019), “grow tomatoes pass on hemp.”

In late February 2020 when the coronavirus appeared to become a “game-changer” affecting our hemp and marijuana farmers, Northridge directed its algorithms to the question: Would the coronavirus be a pandemic?
We were able to modify the information fields to collect enough facts to present a startling conclusion, to wit: The coronavirus is capable of killing millions of people and disrupt basic economics in the U.S. and worldwide.
On February 12, 2020, our proprietary GREENMARK 101 algorithms posted an alert:
“Coronavirus is a game-changer, don’t listen to the noise from Washington, especially from Trump. The information developing in China and Italy are confusing at best. Take precautions, consider stepping back, and not grow hemp even if you have an extraction contract in place. CBD markets will breakdown without FDA clarification as to its medicinal benefits. Suggest liquidating all intangible investments, especially common stock. Values seemed overpriced considering the consequences of coronavirus. Allow more information from Washington to clarify news on the virus.
“February 12, 2020, as posted by the S&P 500 Index was at 3,370 and declined to 2,447 by March 18, 2020, wiping out $175 trillion. The importance of March 18th was a posting from information gathered by GREENMARK 101 algorithm, which offered: Fiscal and monetary support by the federal government would put a floor under the S&P 500 [index]. Buy any stock focused on the ‘stay at home trade’, including online retailers, delivery companies, and computer systems providers that focused on new consumer buying and entertaining patterns.”
From the inquiries of our emailers and others, we continued to direct our analytics and platforms to stock market news. An example is a May 25, 2020 posting:
By our readers following us, they saved millions of dollars taking advice from GREENMARK 101 algorithm. It's “best guess” conclusions that investors have two options -- do nothing or hold to their investment position since a V-shaped recovery in stock prices was likely or sell the portfolio and buy back later at depressed prices. Either way, you were a winner. Before it was fashionable to predict a V-shaped stock recovery (we were the first) the coronavirus had the public in fits. As for selling them and buying stocks later at a 65% discount that worked too.

From our historical viewpoint, NORTHRIDGE owns the best predictor of future events. This ability has a worth that cannot be calculated. Engaging NORTHRIDGE means you get your money’s worth. As business consultants and first source funders we are capable of delivering the goods:
· Business Operations
· Corporate Funding
· Digital, Technology and Analytics
· Organizational Transformation
· Research and Strategies
· Mergers and Acquisitions
Engaging NORTHRIDGE means getting your money’s worth.™
You have nothing to lose except profits.
