With all the gloom, at least the stock market has performed exactly as predicted by our algorithm, Greenmark 101 (“G-101”) . Consider the remarkable facts: From March 23 to June 5, these 52 trading days as represented by the S&P 500 index gained 46.7%. An event G-101 had calculated as if it used a crystal ball. Just read our headlines and fact check yourselves.

We said, “not to panic,” the Federal Reserve has our back with a vast mixture of securities purchased and emergency loan programs. Based on our estimates $11 trillion which includes monetary stimulus placed a floor under the market, and higher stock prices were likely. For now, the trend is your friend. Follow G-101 and continue to HOLD.
When it’s time to SELL, G-101 will tell you when.
At the moment, short-term investments are driving the market, but major declines and the extended economic struggle with COVID-19 are just a “timebomb” away. Do not be trapped by the current rally.