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SABR... for safety, security and peace of mind

ABR value proposition is not digital currency 95% of existing money only exists as digital currency in the form of credit, debit cards and bank balances; SABR’s value proposition is its methodology in guaranteeing the trustworthiness of digital currency while offering complete anonymity and paying dividends to its holders.

SABR...  for safety, security and peace of mind.

SABR includes the benefits of top digital currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum while adding several unique features making it even more desirable.

● SABR offers instant Person 2 Person transfers and ultra-fast verification times of less than 60 seconds, making it a viable option in any economy in any environment.

● SABR has an added Privacy layer that masks transactional values and private data on transactions between users, meaning your personal identity and the contents of your wallets are YOURS and unavailable for prying eyes.

● SABR delivers an incredible opportunity for passive gains by simply holding a balance in an online wallet. This is known as “staking” and acts in a similar way to a high-yield savings account. In effect SABR holders enjoy an dividend paid quarterly.

● SABR bottom line, instant settlement, SABR is instantly available when sent, transaction times are measured in seconds. SABR is completely private, the block chain records transactions only but there is no way of identifying who sent what where and how much. SABR offers a high yield dividend. SABR is limited only 133 million coins are available.

● SABR can be converted instantly into US dollars, Euros, Yen or any other currency in seconds and available for spending, whether to buy coffee or pay for tuition. Its real, its fast.

● No other cryptocurrency offers all these qualities, not bitcoin, not Ethereum or any other. SABR takes the best qualities of the old monetary system and upgrades them to the digital age.

In my opinion, SABR has a high potential to significantly increase in value as we see the current financial system continue to falter. For those of you who are concerned with the current economic shift and want to regain control of your assets, your privacy, and the freedom we have all enjoyed in past years, stay posted for more news about joining the SABR community in the weeks to come.

Any questions, comments, tutorials on the use of SABR or other crypto currencies, and digital currencies, email

SABR Technical Specifications

Coin name/ Ticker: SABR

· Max money: 133100000 coins

· Transaction confirmation method: PoS + aux.PoW

· Transaction type: public & private

· Number of transaction confirmation: 7

· Number of block confirmation: 133

· PoS reward: 0 coin

· Min stake age: 133 hours

· Max stake age: unlimited

· PoS target spacing: 10 minutes

· Default Listen Port: 1331 (13310 for testnet)

· JSON-RPC Port: 2662

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