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Updated: Oct 27, 2024


To prove that non-human intervention by an analytical chatbot is far superior than the other kind.

Follow the G-101 SPM series A1.4 algorithm at

Number: 01

“The reason we’re on the Stocktwits platform.”

We joined the network in March 2023 to test in real time the performance of the G-101 SPM series A1.4 algorithm. The Stocktwits platform is uniquely suited for posting ideas, offering explanations how our investment surveillance tool functions and the terminologies used, especially the scoring of SPM tags.

Powerful features are (1) the SEARCH (magnifying glass) icon on the landing page to the FEED icon for tracking the performance of any idea and (2) the ability to daily post our investment guides under #SPMNOTES

Idea: Devote at least thirty-days to learn and understand how to apply the data as a "positional investor."

The G-101 site is not a tout-sheet, or “a-pick-and-jump" source or a talking head with a hidden agenda; such mentalities are suitable for racetracks and the other kinds.

Number: 02

What is a tertiary test?

AI applications within the algorithm that performs a data cleansing process to verify specific data for accuracy.

 Number: 03

Why the emphasis on cash reserves?

 ^ Cash reserves are instantly available cash to manage the G-101 SPM portfolio.

 ^ Cash reserves act as a buffer to limit buying power when the underlining algorithm data predicts a changing degree of risk/reward in the marketplace.

 ^ Cash reserve maintenance is our hedge against unforeseen problems, and to fund new opportunities. In the premarket under #FIRSTLOOK we post "cash reserves" as a percentage of capital to trade. The value is derived from our Primary Volume Locator (PVL), a directional grid (sentiment amplifier) that continuously tracks investment cash flows of the $SPX (S&P 500 Index) components.

We buy and sell positions during the day to satisfy the posted cash reserve requirements. When prior trades show effective SPM tags, we take the "lesser if compromise" to adjust our net buying power to the posted cash reserve percentage. When liquidating a position, we usually post a REVISIT notice

Number: 0.3.1

Why the emphasis on cash reserves?

As the term applied to G-101 SPM AI algorithm --- Cash reserves are instantly available cash assets to purchase securities and other financial instruments.

During the growth and maturity stages of investing, maintaining a flexible cash reserve is the best means for success, both to hedge against unforeseen problems and to finance portfolio expansion through capital reinvestment.

Moreover, by setting cash reserves they act as buffers to limit buying power when the underlining algorithm data* predicts the degree of risk/reward in the marketplace.

* As a priority data category cash reserves are determined by our Primary Volume Locator (PVL), which tracks cash flows of the $SPX S&P 500 Index components to estimate the underlining liquidity of the Index.

Number: 04

What does Long Term Open (LTO) mean?

Long Term Open (LTO) is part of the SPM tag sequence that represents a BUY when the position is or will be under accumulation over the long term (one year or more). This process is an extension of the DAC (dollar average cost) except a fixed share allocation is given when additional BUYS are declared, regardless of the share price.

At a point in time a probable EXIT is set or reset, which corresponds to the evolving SPM tag value.

 ^^ To date, all closed out LTO positions have ended with enhanced values over total costs.

Number: 05.1

Part One

“Are you planning to monetize the G-101 SPM AI platform?”


In its present form G-101 SPM AI chatbot will be published without cost to our followers. During the 12-month evaluation trials, which ended on March 28, 2024, we planned to offer the data for $1.00 per month, but elected to keep it free since the deferred costs were within our original budget. 

Our decision is not altruistic, but a planned desire to prove that AI chatbots are superior to conventional models in making investment decisions and a new classification as a commercial standard.

Number: 05.2

Part Two

 “Are you planning to monetize the G-101 SPM AI platform?”

Based on the performance, it’s the only algorithm that tested superior to current AI contenders, Microsoft Copilot (powered by IOpenAI's Chat GPT-4), Google Gemini, and Anthropic's Claude 3 Microsoft Copilot (powered by IOpenAI's Chat GPT-4), Google Gemini; and Anthropic's Claude 3. These contenders cannot reliably calculate stock valuations and are technically worthless.  Whether they close the learning gap is immaterial, our proprietary platform is constantly evolving by upgrading itself.

As for Motley Fool Stock Advisor, Alpha Picks, Barbell Investor, Moby, Ticker Nerd, Zacks Home Run Investor, their “best” performance for any given year was never better than 61%. Additionally, these advisory services do not utilize AI chatbot platforms.

Number: 06

What’s the stratagem behind the development of G-101 SPM series A1.4 algorithm?

To make the participant a “positional investor,” with a keen awareness of the symmetry between value and circumstance relative to each other in a single point in time. Sounds complicated. Not really. Four factors are essential: Money, reliable information, discipline and timing. The last three is what a positional investor is all about. The algorithm is merely the roadmap within a game --- gets you where you want to go without getting lost. The game creates a mental picture of subjective probability options that repeat again and again since the reliability of the data is known in advance. The result allows full awareness of a level playing field to execute without fear, knowing in advance that value and circumstance equals success.

Number: 07

Why the emphasis on $SPX?

Our directional grid relies on raw-data from S&P 500 Index components to calculate the Primary Volume Locator (PVL), which continuously tracks investment cash flows and presents a statistical value, and combines with SPM Sentiment Amplifier (SPM-SM), which rates selective opinions and thoughts at a specific point in times.

^ From these variable quantities the G-101 SPM series A1.4 algorithm gathers statistics from 121 preset sources and interprets them by using a proprietary formula to rate designated investment characteristics, while rejecting anomalies that fact-checking may encounter.

^ The net assumptions are computed as a "best guess" idea on any investment related question, and expresses it as a *SPM tag – the higher the value the greater the subjective probability of its accuracy.

 * Click SEARCH (magnifying glass) icon on our landing page to review transactions

Number: 08

Do stock options have separate SPM tags?

Yes.  As a subset, stock options are used as digital monitoring surveillance tools that measures option dollar flow as a single indicator.

The Option Value Matrix  (OVM) and the Option Directional Index  (ODI) are supported by the Primary Volume Locator (PVL), which tracks cash flows of the S&P 500 Index components.

Number: 09

What technical and value indicators do you use?

The AI-driven algorithm applies the following tools and systems in multiple subsections: 1. Aroon Oscillator, 2. Bollinger Bands, 3. Chalkin Money Flow, 4. Coppock Curve, 5. Custom PCF Channel Indicator, 6. Dollar Volume Print, 7. Elder Ray Bear Power. 8. Elder Ray Bull  Power, 9. Elliott Wave Oscillator, 10. Ichimoku Cloud, 11. Kaufman Efficiency Ratio, 12. MACD (all levels), 13. Money Flow Index, 14. Moving VWAP, 15. Negative Volue Index, 16. Parabolic SAR, 17. Pivot Points Indicator, 18. Positive Volume Trend, 19. RSI, 20. SMI  Ergodic Oscillator, 21. True Strength Oscillator, 22. Volume Zone Oscillator, 23. Vortx Indicator, 24. Exponential Moving Average, 25.Fibonacci Retracement, 16.  Stochastic Oscillator, 27. Average Directional Index and 28. eight other  indicators  and  indexes  to predict future price movements.

Number: 10

What does High Risk mean as it relates to SPM tags?

You need to read the SPM tag as to the degree of risk. If the SPM reads SPM 59.24, the likelihood for success is 51.24%. Take losses at the right time requires discipline. On average our High Risk/Risk trades work 78.72% of the time and take losses at the right time makes the collectives trades very profitable

Number: 11.1

What not to do with SPM tags.

Part One.

“Chance is a poor substitute for caution.”

 SPM tags have the same elements.

 ^Our Subjective Probability Model (SPM) tags are investment identifiers - the higher the value the greater the percentage for success. Based on the last 1500 ideas, a SPM lag above 88 owns a 94.5% success rate. For reference, the top 100 investment services firms, on average, own a 61.9% success rate. However, SPM tags above 88 are rare with less than 2% of all ideas.

Be cautious, follow tags above SPM 87.50.

Stay away from lesser values unless you can tolerate more risk for higher percentage rewards.

Since March 2023 tags ranging from SPM 80.00 to SPM 87.99 own an accuracy rating of 86.25%. Meanwhile, SPM 50.1 to SPM 79.99 have been right 71% of the time; mainly because the AI algorithm quickly takes losses on the frontend when the tags fail to maintain their value.

Number 11.2

What not to do with SPM tags.

Part Two.

Holding a "dead trade" is like dying twice - the trade goes the wrong way and you’re losing more time and money watching it work lower. Once a tag is compromise, the trade is immediately closed. Cutting losses are important to the overall strategy of the AI algorithm. Like the "house" odds at a casino, the percentages favor the high ratio tags that are dollar averaged against a SPM tag value that is not compromise.

To make big money with the AI algorithm requires dedication to its total value, not freezing on a single idea and praying that it will work, or accepting more risk by consistently trading lesser SPM tag values with the “chance” of greater rewards.

Think like a casino owner who trades with house money; follow the SPM tags from inception to close out, with all the DAC (dollar average cost) if any, that may follow the trade and take steady profits.

Number: 12

What are SPMNOTES?

The G-101 SPM AI chatbot provides SPMNOTES to simplify   the market’s mindset with a wide range of facts and ideas under the various notices as a means to support what the $SPX S&P 500 components, including secondary and tertiary factors have done or about to do, and what to expect in the future. By following SPMNOTES and the other information categories, it gives the reader an overview of what to expect and when to take percussions when necessary.

Number 13.1

Part One

What kind of investor/trader are you?

Build your profile and write it down. Keep it as the first line in your Day Book. If you’re making money, don’t change it; if not, relax, make changes and try again. 

  • Positional investor [Profile embraced by the G-101 portfolio.]

  • Risk-averse or Conservative Investor. ‍Risk-averse investors avoid high-risk investments and prioritize lower-risk options.

  • Risk-neutral or Moderate Investor.

  • Risk-seeking, Risk-loving or Aggressive Investors.

  • Passive investor.

  • Active investor.

  • Growth investor.

  • Day Trader.

  • Swing Trader

  • Buy and hold investor 

  • Slow and easy planner for the long term.

  • Hit and run.

  • Cries when missing a play.

  • Follows advice from talking heads like CNBC ‘stars’ even when you’re lose money.

  • Talks a good game but gets lost in the sauce.

Number 13.2

What kind of investor/trader are you?

 Part Two

Build your profile and write it down. Keep it as the first line in your Day Book. If you’re making money, don’t change it; if not, relax, make changes and try again.  

... continued

  • Watches others lose money and smiles.

  • Makes money and smiles, knowing to be in-control.

  • Jumping about for advice like a headless chicken.

  • Following what your cat or dog thinks.

  • Wasting time with losers, believing just maybe, the next one would be a charmer.

  • Chasing noise without knowing its direction or intent.

  • Listen to anyone with a “hot” story and after committing, forgetting why.

  • Believing that chance is a better substitute for caution.

  • Long term accumulator.

  • Portfolio builder to beat the benchmark index

  • Passive strategy investor tracking an index

  • Have low risk tolerance and knows it.

  • Have low risk tolerance and doesn’t know it.

  • Have high risk tolerance.

  • Have high risk tolerance and doesn’t know it.

Number: 14


 #FLASHTRADE is a category in our Commentary List for instant-term trading opportunities. The intent is to track exponential values within 60-second intervals from our conventional 5-minute SPM grid. The calculated convergence/divergence anomalies will be posted as entrance/exist points.

 Number: 14.1

 What’s SYMBOLBOX? (Temporarily withdrawn)

 #SYMBOLBOX  is a category in our Commentary List that offers at your request each day  a maximum of two stock symbol inquires to obtain SPM tag values on any stock or option in our database.

 ^ At least 5215 stock symbols are in the database, which may fluctuate based on the data-packages available on any particular day. If a stock or option symbol is not available on the day of the inquiry try again the following day.

Note:  To activate an inquiry a stock symbol must be submitted to allow the automated system to register and respond to the request.

 ^  #SYMBOLBOX can be accessed by clicking the SEARCH icon on our landing page to review all hashtag responses

Number: 15

What’s $SPX - Primary Volume Locator (PVL)?

PVL tracks cash flows of $SPX (S&P 500 Index) components. From the PVL the G-101 SPM series A1.4 algorithm collects statistics from 121 preset sources to solve and deter misinformation while interpreting the full range of investment analysis.

Number: 16

Why is the site free?

Are you going to charge a fee in the future?

G-101 SPM AI chatbot is a diagnostic tool for identifying investment ideas; no hidden agenda or do we get paid to promote someone else’s paper. Based on what's out there, our AI chatbot is the only one that works. When beginning to post in March 2023, we didn't know that fact, and to charge a fee for an unknown idea would have been ludicrous. To charge a fee now or in the future will not happen. We proved that a $90,000 (estimated cost) algorithm is worth its weight in gold. Strictly by its performance and the continual commentaries by our followers, we collectively made it happen.

Without further ado, let's continue to work together.

Number: 17

Why are SPM tags important?

We use an AI algorithm investment predictor that gathers data from 121 preset sources and presents the values with a SPM matrix number. The database tracks 5215 individual stocks with each one carrying a "floating" SPM tag. The higher the value the greater the subjective probability of the collective data being accurate, and culminates with the issuance of a supporting SPM tag.

Our AI algorithm is like a diamond with a slight flaw. No need to be a perfect pebble like what the other guys are offering.  Indeed, investing in intangibles requires the best grade diamond. And we have it! Our accuracy grade is over eighty and constantly attempted to create the  perfect diamond.

 * Click SEARCH (magnifying glass) icon on landing page to FEED for the history of the trades.

Number: 18

What is G-101 SPM AI?

The best publicly available AI algorithm investment predictor.

We have beta evaluated G-101 SPM AI since March 2023 and to complete testing on March 31, 2024. It’s current configuration has a database with 121 preset functions which key off the Primary Volume Locator (PVL) that continuously tracks cash flows. The directional control grid creates the SPM tags

As a digital monitoring surveillance tool, to date the results are beyond expectations and proves the capabilities of quantum data investing.

The underlying objective of G-101 SPM is making the most money without material risk -- a difficult task under the best of circumstances.

Our mantra: "When trading intangibles, the person who possesses the most accurate information makes the most money."

Number: 19

What’s short-side configuration?

G-101 SPM AI algorithm modification (December 1, 2023) that detects short-side anomalies. By adding six new subsets to database, the chatbot enhanced its understanding of the stock buying/selling environment, deal with what the system perceives, solve issues and act to achieve a specific goal, i.e. "Why do part time investors lose money when buying and selling stocks?" Shocking but a fact: 92.24% of the people lose money in stocks. The simple conclusion --- part-time investing is a losing proposition because of poor risk management. Our system confirmed that 61.3% of adults in the United States invested in the stock market, of which 37.7% are part-time investor. Our new element identified as " Factor 6 Subset" incorporates similar values of +SPM tags, by adding a full range of -SPM tags. note: In the past -SPM tag was governed by limited criteria and never registered beyond -SPM 78.

Number: 20

Who decides which SPM tags to post?

It exclusively begins with the G-101 SPM AI algorithm, our diagnostic AI chatbot that tracks the $SPX for direction and market pulse while gathering data from 121 preset sources to identify and create absolute digital signals called "SPM tags" as stock symbols with attached value indicators.

The tags are rated by a subjective probability model from SPM 50 to SPM 100 --- the higher the score the greater the accuracy--- and presented as possible "trade" candidates.

At 4:00 AM each morning before the U.S A. markets are scheduled to open, a full SPM tag sequence is launched and continues in 30-minute intervals. (Currently, there are 4229 stock symbols in the SPM matrix.) When an individual SPM tag increases or decreases by 100 bits, it is "cultivated." If a further 100 bits are registered, the stock symbol becomes a target and identified as a probable "trade," subject to the cash flow perimeters as dictated by the $SPX.

Number: 21

What does "compromised SPM tag" mean?

G-101 SPM AI algorithm is a predictive diagnostic tool that gathers data from 121 presets to create Subjective Probability Model (SPM) tags as investment identifiers - the higher the value the greater percentage success of the stock idea - foretells the direction of S&P 500 index or any circumstance that may affect the value of a specific investment.

For stocks - the range of SPM 87.00 to SPM 91.01 tags are on average correct 87% to 91% of the time. Below SPM 87.00 tag, it is considered "compromised," which means the highlighted stock should lose its value and is subject to liquidation to take the profit or stop the loss. On average "compromised" "contracting" or "weak" SPM tags are correctly predictable 75% of the time.

 note: These statistics are based on the last 1400 trades published to date on Stocktwits. You can check the trades by stocks by using the magnifying glass icon on our landing page.

Number: 22

How do you decide which SPM tag to post and follow?

G-101 SPM AI algorithm is a predictive diagnostic tool that gathers data from 121 preset sources to create and identify absolute digital signals called SPM tags." These intuitive tags are rated by a subjective probability formula from SPM 50 to SPM 100 --- the higher the value the greater the accuracy. The underlying unit is a "bit." At 4:00 AM each morning a SPM tag sequence is inaugurated and continued in 30 minute intervals until 4:00 PM. When an individual SPM tag increases or decreases by 100 bits it is "cultivated." If a further 100 bits or more are registered the stock symbol becomes a target and identified as a probable trade, subject to the cash flow perimeters and direction of the $SPX (S&P 500 index). Within these automated and repetitive regularities, a conclusion is generated. Thus, a trade whether long or short is identified and posted.

Follow the G-101 SPM series A1.4 algorithm at











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