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when you have the right tools.

MTD Digital Inc. (HKD)

NYSE - Nasdaq Real Time Price. Currency in USD $331.55 +132.10

MTD Digital Inc. (HKD) proves our point that G-101 algorithm remains the only reliable source to understand the truth in a world of alternative realities. Wall Street in its many flavors and forms is the biggest gambling casino in the world, with manipulators in all stripes and shapes. Inside information made them rich, yet it remains illegal in most quarters. But… and a big but…. If G-101 can sniff out these illegal or legal investment patterns and conspiracies, why not “ride the wave” after the fact by milking the data “they” leave behind and using it to MAKE BIG MONEY IN THE STOCK MARKET.

That’s what G-101 is all about – a legal tool that has the capacity of deciphering investment patterns and conspiracies after an anomalous event takes place.

SELLING SIGNAL DECLARED: $364.50 at 12:04 pm


On the first trading day each month G-101 prepares its top ten investment/short-term situations, which since inception has generated a weighted average gain per month of 4.7% for the last 37 months. Occasionally, stocks within their Subjective Probability™ (“SP”) rated capabilities have an extraordinary performance. The most recent SP candidate is MTD Digital Inc. (HKD)

On September 1, 2022 (declaration notice as the first trade day of the month) MTD Digital Inc. was at $128.00 with an applied rating of +SP 89.98. We generally don’t assess the value at inception since 174 data subsets are at play, and by historical accuracy, the data was correct 86.12% of the time. Only when a material event happens i.e. a significant up or down variability occurs. In this instance, MTD Digital Inc. had a major reversal to $62.40 before the opening on September 9th. The loss of $48.75 in a mere nine days triggered a flurry of inquiries, which caused us to specifically determine the variance. Meanwhile, MTD Digital Inc. had increasing applied Subjective Probability ratings:

09.02.22 HKD $100.01 +SP 89.62

09.06.22 HKD $ 68.95 +SP 87.03

09.07.22 HKD $ 63.27 +SP 87.00

09.08.22 HKD $ 62.35 +SP 88.77.

09.09.22 HKD $ 61.00 +SP 88.04.

09.12.22 HKD $ 58.33 +SP 89.52.

09.13.22 HKD $ 46.00 +SP 91.21 *

09.14.22 HKD $ 189.42 +SP 90.16

*Historical highest SP rating in the category.

Rarely would an SP stock rating remain in the above-average range for upside advance while the underlining stock price declines. HKD was a clear exception, and our inquiry produces the following assessment: massive accumulation with cash reverses deliver instruction for 89% of the true capital float took place every day from 09.02.22 and continues in the present. Net volume was less than 50,000 shares was the midterm weighted average volume and expanded to 1,581,400 shares on 09.14.22. The resulting true float has been materially compromised and the primary result for the stock’s sharp upside action.

Register today and add the G-101 tool to your arsenal of MAKING BIG MONEY IN THE STOCK MARKET.

FULL 12-month access - $100,000, payable in quarterly increments of $25,000 with the stipulation that if our G-101 algorithm tool does not increase by 85% a full refund for the specific quarter would be returned.

Call Mark Halbrook at 802.322.6670 or email/

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