Before presenting the means, allow me to declare that I am not a doctor or trained with special skills to combat the coronavirus from a medical perspective. My “best way to stay alive …” statement is from assessing hard data supplied by our Greenmark 101 (“G-101”) algorithm. Usually, G-101 supports deep level analytics that gathers and processes information specially designed to monitor the activities of the marijuana and hemp trade. You may ask – What does marijuana or hemp have to do with the pandemic? Absolutely nothing. Allow me two more minutes to explain: For over twenty years I have been fortunate to earn an adequate living in the construction trade. At 48 years old my success was sufficient to transition to marijuana and hemp. I believed the potential of legalized cannabis has no limits, especially in providing infrastructure. The only problem – marijuana was illegal to possess for over 100 years and not taught on an academic level. As for other legal intelligent sources, limited at best. The alternative was to track the efforts of legalization on state levels. Investigating their activities and incorporating data from the hemp industry, the volume of information exceeded my capacity to correlate.
I located a basic computer system to store and catalog the data. At length, I enhanced the programs that eventually became Greenmark 101 as the “best guess” indicator to answer questions related to hemp and marijuana. The intent was to use the analytics to review and analyze mistakes made by others and circumstances that caused such events. Once the inquiries were isolated, the system was able to render a probable solution. Whether it was serendipity or coincidence, the “wiring” of the software structure suited the program as a “best guess” algorithm. The results exceeded expectations. The answers were near accurate. The articles published on our current websites and the information presented to others unequivocally prove my statements. Whether in agriculture forecasting, commodity pricing and projections, predicting mistakes in farming procedures, methods, and systems of extraction or distillation, marketing and distribution missteps, business model oversights or failed investment programs, Greenmark 101 (based historical standards for accuracy) is the “best guess” algorithm of its type.
Lately, I have applied Greenmark 101 to the CIVOD-19 pandemic. Initially, calculating its economic impact on the U.S. economy and the stock market as referenced by the S&P 500 index:
* 03.10.20 SELL signal at 2,863 … uncertainty by China virus. * 03.13.20 Maintain SELL at 2,705 – dead cat bounce.....” * 03.24.20 Fed all in with safety net put … BUY signal. * 04.08.20 BUY signal maintained … test 2,761. * 04.29.20 Third BUY signal…

The success of G-101 allowed me to take liberties with the system to inquire about what is the best means to survive the pandemic before a cure is found. Beyond the basic survival guide of symptoms: dry cough, sore throat, fever, and shortness of breath, the data from G-10 determined the need to detect the deadly pneumonia was the most important event. Predicting the onset of pneumonia caused by the coronavirus reduces the need for a ventilator. Once the patient requires a ventilator, the likelihood of death is 97.9%. Even though G-101 supplied important information, it was unable to determine how COVID-19 attacks the lungs. What is known, the air sacs become inflamed and fill with fluid, hampering the body’s ability to take in oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. Ventilators can help patients get the oxygen they need to stay alive. Critical care ventilators are more than just air pumps. They are complicated machines with software that must be carefully adjusted by skilled medical workers to ensure that patients receive the right combination of oxygen level, pressure, breath volume, and breathing rate. I begin with a series of a question relating to healthy lungs, how the respiratory system works, what prevents oxygen deprivation. The term “silent hypoxia” continued to flash.
