Pennsylvania has seen its share of crisis. Over the past 20 years, we have dealt with blackouts, massive storms, gasoline shortages and of course 9-11 attacks. Today is a different kind of crisis. A battle is being waged in every sector of society against something that can’t be seen, unknown and infinite in scope and duration. There are fear and anxiety. And the unknown makes us address our morality.
How do we keep from losing our way?

By being together, and with any luck the music will never end. Being together, each sharing our thoughts and information. If you have “inside” information or a “unique perspective” let us know.
With a team of journalists and the interaction of GREENMARK 101 algorithm, we are working to bring you the most essential information as soon as we get it and do facts checking to ensure reliability. Our collective data fields are continuing to process-focused information away from cannabis to epidemiology and social sciences. The intent is to design a workable algorithm subset for coronavirus and to determine what may be before us.

At the moment, the model cycle indicates more than 50 million people in the United States could be infected this year. Whether that number is conservative will be known in the next two weeks.
We will bring you reports of how life is changing, and strategies for coping with that change. As this disease continues its rapid spread, we are working to cut through the nonsense and the seemingly discordant decisions being made by officials at various levels. Our entire team is working near around the clock because it is that important.

We take our responsibility to keep you informed very seriously. We know that you rely upon us by the volume of telephone calls and emails received.
Now is the time to make decisions rooted in objective information and data. We will present COVID 19 advisories and continue to cover every aspect of how the virus is affecting our lives. That coverage is accomplished by our dedication to our subscribers and loyal followers. We recognize the important service we provide and hope you recognize the effort. Our coverage remains free for all to use.
So thank you for believing in what we do, believing in each other that we get through this crisis. Together.