Industrial Hemp application for the 2020 Growing Season will end on May 1, 2020. Parties interested in applying can check this webpage for updates or call 717-787-4737.

For the past three years, the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture has administered the Industrial Hemp Research Pilot Program, legitimized by the 2014 Farm Bill and authorized in Pennsylvania statute by the Industrial Hemp Research Act of Jul. 20, 2016, P.L. 822, No. 92. The 2018 Farm Bill removes industrial hemp from regulation under the Controlled Substances Act and provides for commercial production of industrial hemp, creating an exciting opportunity for industrial hemp in Pennsylvania.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is taking advantage of the new opportunities in the Farm Bill Industrial Hemp Production program by submitting a state plan to USDA. That plan certifies our commitment to creating the conditions for Pennsylvanians to grow a profitable, sustainable, and in-demand product.

Use the PA Hemp Permit Map and Database for 2019 to evaluate what hemp farmers did past year to learn from their experiences. Or contact Northridge Corporation at info@northridge123456.com for location valuation and crop ideas.
Information is the eyes for the hemp farmer and help you see that you’re not alone. James Henry, CEO Northridge Corporation
USE THE PA Hemp Permit Map and Database for 2019 as from indicator that you are not alone. Listen to the wisdom and ideas of what PA farmers did last year. Nothing beats “hands-on” knowledge. An interactive PA Hemp Map is available that shows the distribution of 2019 hemp permits throughout the commonwealth by County and by Zip Code along with contact information for the permits. This information is searchable by county, zip code, permit ID, permit contact name and institution/business name.
This summer, Governor Tom Wolf signed the PA Farm Bill, a comprehensive package of legislation that will create a state-level Specialty Crop Block Grant Program to invest in and encourage farming of high-priority crops like hemp. Eligible projects must enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops by improving distribution, efficiency or research to boost consumption of goods.

Eligible for these specialty crop grants: Hemp growers will be able to take advantage of the new Agricultural Business Development Center including services for business planning, marketing and diversification.

Hemp was grown in Pennsylvania and throughout the United States until after World War II, but became regulated alongside marijuana and its cultivation was prohibited. Hemp and marijuana are different varieties of the same species of plant. Unlike marijuana, hemp is grown mainly for fiber and seed and must maintain a much lower concentration of psychoactive chemical tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, below the 0.3 percent legal threshold.
Pennsylvania recently made hemp subject to the Controlled Plant and Noxious Weed Committee, created under Act 46 of 2017. With the committee’s approval, hemp was designated a controlled plant, which requires all growers to register and obtain permits through the department.
(717) 787-4737
Part of being successful is about asking questions and listening to the answers. Anne Burrell