European hemp producers and manufacturers are getting renewed pleas to help fight the European Union on how it treats CBD and other extracts.
The European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA) sent an alert this week to roughly 300 members urging the EU to change its Common Agricultural Policy. CBD should be treated as a “novel food,” meaning it would need additional scientific review before being put in commercial foods and dietary supplements.
Because hemp has been eaten on the continent for centuries and CBD is merely a molecule found in the plant, the EIHA believes the “novel food” limitation is inappropriate.
Indeed, businesses are asked to research the plant “in their native languages” to find evidence to present the EU. The "group" specifically is seeking illustrations or other documents showing Europeans eating hemp flowers and leaves, not just the seeds.
“We know there is a colorful and rich history of hemp flowers and leaves in hemp food, nation by nation, and region by region,” the EIHA wrote in its call to action.
The group also wants the EU to change its definition of hemp, which caps THC at 0.2%. That level is lower than the 0.3% THC limit used in Asia and North America.
European hemp producers want to join their North American colleagues who are tapping into CBD’s market potential, Hempro International CEO Daniel Kruse told the EU in a March speech. “We are talking about additional income for farmers and new jobs for the working class,” said Kruse, whose Dusseldorf, Germany-based company makes hemp foods, clothes and cosmetics.