As a consumer, you may need to resolve a problem with your bank, credit card company, or financial services firm. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFFB) is your answer. Filing a complaint with the agency is your best, last resort. The results are remarkable, especially when it’s FREE. Since CFFB’s inception in 2011, the agency has handled more than 1.5 million complaints and obtain timely responses from 97 percent of the firms. And the claims and resolutions are not hidden from public view. You can review all the “dirty noise” online.
Naturally, the firms you use wants good PR, and quickly resolve your issues. Their database is your “Cop on the beat” to address real problems and encourage firms to do the right thing. Surprisingly, CFFB’s services are not broadcasted due to how their charter is written. If the agency had a national advertising budget, at least 50 million complaints would be aired.
But what!
At present, the powers to do are lobbying Washington insiders to assist in closing down the database from public view. CR – Consumer Report is our advocate. Voice your support for CFPB and its efforts to ensure financial disclosure and fairness at CR.org/CFPB.